My projects

A list of my CS related projects since 2021. The list includes repositories of some of my research works as well as other projects only made for fun and the sake of learning.

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Real-time EEG data visualization UI. This software is part of the NIT project @ Medialabs (Tabakalera). NIT is an open group for creating open and accessible EEG tools. The project has been developed in collaboration with the Basque Center On Cognition Brain and Language.


The amateur radio telescope of the astronomy group @ Medialabs (Tabakalera). Check the repository with all the code of the radio telescope here.

Don't panic! A gentle introduction to PyTorch 🔥

An introductory notebook to the PyTorch library! The notebook was created as part of a series of workshops for our research group, but it's online for everyone to use.

Check the notebook in Colab here.



Combinatorial optimization via neural networks. Complementary material of a research paper (link will be provided after publication).

The devil editor

Devil is a: text editor, web browser, image/PDF viewer, and anything you can program in GNU Guile. Devil is very inspired by the Emacs philosophy, but it has a core library implemented in Rust (using GTK4) and functionality/logic is implemented in GNU Guile, the official extension programming language of GNU.


Profile guided optimization of LLVM-IR via combinatorial optimization and metaheuristics.

This was my final project in the Computer Science degree.



Compiled, imperative, and general-purpose programming language that aims to provide a simple platform to create efficient software.